Lipo Laser
Lipo Laser is a safe, painless and completely non-invasive treatment for spot fat reduction and aesthetic body contouring. Now available to clients in Northern Virginia and Washington DC with cellulose / cellulite on their body. What parts of the body can be treated?

Lipo laser emits low levels of laser energy, which creates a chemical signal in the fat cells, breaking down the stored triglycerides into free fatty acids, glycerol and water molecules, the same natural response initiated by the body anytime it needs to use its stored energy reserves. These free fatty acids are then transported throughout the body by the lymphatic system to supply the body with energy, again just as if the body would respond in times of caloric scarcity. A period of exercise post treatment ensures the complete metabolism of these freed fatty acids, shrinking the fat cells and delivering the body shaping results your patients are looking for. UU650B is a non-destructive, targeted fat reduction technology, which means excess fat deposits can be treated anywhere on the body and the fat cells are not destroyed as a result of treatment. Lipo Laser targeted fat reduction and circumferential reduction has many advantages over other body shaping technologies. Here are just a few!
- Safe, minimally-invasive procedure, it uses low levels of visible red laser light to create a safe and painless stimulation is of the normal chemical pathways to free up reserved energy resources stored in is safe, effective and immediately demonstrable.
- Easy to operate, treatments are passive and require only the correct positioning of treatment pads, it will not compromise office staff time or productivity, won’t effect life and work after treatment, fast healing time
- Treat All Skin Types, Treat All Body Parts such as neck, breasts, back, knees, hips, thighs, bottom and arms
- Accelerate tissue coagulation to avoid muscle slack after slimming
- No bleeding,no pain ,no side-effect
- Save money, fast return on your investment
What it Is and Isn’t
What it’s Not | What it IS |
Not another Diet | Effortless and Easy |
Not Complicated | FDA approved technology |
Not for Everyone | Proven Results |
Another Gimmick | No Brainer for Losing Fat |
Surgery | Pain Free |
Drugs | Completely Safe |
Is Lipo Laser Treatment Safe? YES!
Yes, LipoLaser treatments are completely non-invasive and clients feel nothing. LipoLaserlow level Lasertechnology has been studied and used for over 30 years for many biomedical purposes. FDA approved for pain and inflammation, doctors can use it for fat loss.
Do I have to do other things to lose the fat?Only for greater results - 7 inches total without changes, 18-23 inches with major lifestyle changes, like diet and exercise we have support if you choose to change your life while doing the sessions
What do you do to keep the fat off? Normal things you need to keep weight off - diet and exercise, drinking water, etc.
Where Does the Fat Go? That fat can be burned as energy in the body, or normal metabolic processing - just like when you exercise and release fat
How Quickly Will I See Results 97% of clients see measurable results after their first session.Initially you may notice some minor changes, but it will be one to two months before significant changes are witnessed. The body will naturally continue to remove the processed fat over a long period of time, subsequently it may take as many as twelve months before the final outcome is achieved.
What Kind of Results are Produced? 12.25 inches AVERAGE. The most lost in 18 sessions is 23 inches. People who make minor lifestyle changes are on the higher end of the average and those who don't, the lower end.
How many times do I need it ? 9-18 sessions takes an average of 7-23 inches total, respectively - how much fat do you want to lose?
Is it a long-term solution? How permanent the weight loss is, is determined by your lifestyle following treatment. The treatment destroys the accumulation of the fat in the treated area to leave a long-term solution. However, maintenance of this fat loss is dependent on a healthy diet and exercise.
Which body areas can I target? The treatment is normally used for smaller areas of the neck, breasts, back, knees, hips, thighs, bottom and arms. However, any area diagnosed as containing loose fat will be susceptible to treatment.